Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Wing Tattoo Designs

Wing Tattoos are popular among different people. You church-goer may have a set of traditional feathered wings while your Joe Blow on the street may have a set of tribal wings.

Tattooed wings can represent different things to different people. You may see a tattooed set of wings and see protection under the wing of God or the archangels, whereas someone else may see mysticism and magic.

Wings can be small or large, depending on your personal tastes. They can be on you thigh, calf, shoulder, arm, nape, or back. Most wing tattoos are on the back, as to wear them like the angels.

If you want to read more about the symbolism of wing tattoos and to see various wing tattoo pictures, click HERE

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Tattoo Removal

It was once thought that tattoos were permanent, but in today's society there are various methods of tattoo removal. You can try fade away techniques, such as Tat B Gone, or you can undergo laser tattoo removal.

In either sense, the cost is probably going to be more than you spent on getting the tattoo. Depending on the size, placement, and color of the tattoo, how much you pay will depend on it. Also, depending on the number of treatments, you final taly will go increase, even still.

But, sometimes, you may feel the need to have a tattoo gone from you life, and in those cases, you may consider reading the article- HERE.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Tribal Tattoo Designs

Tribal tattoos are one of the more popular tattoo designs. They can range from simple designs of solely black coloring, or slightly more elaborate designs with a little coloring added for detail. The more common tribal tattoos incluse Hawaiian, Maori, and Bornean.

For more information click HERE

Friday, January 18, 2008

Animal Tattoos

Animal Tattoos are very popular amongst those who are tattooed. One can use an animal tattoo to symbolize a turning point, achieving a goal, or a characteristic that one chooses to hold high.

I, personally, have one animal tattoo. It is the APBT that is posted above. Although, currently only an outline, it will be shaded in due time. I felt the need to get a tattoo of an American Pit Bull Terrier because of several reasons. (1) It represents my first APBT, Chance, who was stolen from me in 2005. (2) It represents all APBT's that I will have until I die. (3) It represents courage, strength, devotion, and loyalty, all characteristics that I hope to one day have as inbred as the APBT.

But, in any case, animals represent more than just a living being.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Tattoos in the Workplace

Here's a thought to think about...

If it was socially acceptable to have tattoos any where you pleased, would you get a tattoo (or more tattooo)?

The reason I ask is because I currently have two tattoos, and I just question whether I would have more if I could...

Jobs turn down those who are tattooed. But is that right? I mean, yes, it may not be the most professional to have a visible tattoo in certain workplaces and professions, such as the medical field. I mean how ironic would it be for the man, or woman, lasering off your tattoo, to have a complete arm band?

I've never heard of a company who allows visible tattoos or piercings. I will admit, that it tends to rely on your manager as to how he will bend the company rules. Many retail companies, will bend the rules, according to the General Manager in charge, but with higher ups come in, body mods must be covered. Some customer service companies will allow for visible tattoos, as long as they are not offensive. Whether this is a part of the company policy or a managers choice, I don't know.

But, anyway... If you were to be hired even though you had visible tattoo, would you get more? Or would you get more visbible tattoos, versus those hidden under your clothes?

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Ear Stretching

If you are interesting in stretching your ears to a larger gauge, you may want to consider all your options.

Because you are modifying a current piercing, don't think that you don't need to fully understand what you're doing. Make sure that you do it right. Otherwise, you can have a blowout, tear, or infection. You don't want this.

How to Properly Stretch Your Ears

For large quage body jewelry, check out the ebay.