Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Scarification is a more hardcore body modification of today's society. When scarification was introduced to tribes, it was more of the norm. Many warriors had facial and body scars and brands. Today, many people look down upon the body modification. Asking the person, "What's wrong with you?!" But, in reality, it's just a different form of body modification that is not as well known as the tattoo.

It's bes to get a scarification from and experienced person, versus a do it yourself job. You can encounter so many problems when scaring yourself with a needle, box cutter, etc. If you do not know what you're doing, one wrong cut can be detrimental. Infection can take a serious tole on the body. So, remember that, if you decide upon a new scar. Find a reputable person at a tattoo shop to perform the task for you.

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