Monday, June 2, 2008

Tattoo Care and Advice

When you get a tattoo, whether it's your first, second, third, or whatever, you want to make sure that you know how to take care of it. Even though this may not be your first tattoo, you may not have been given good aftercare advice the last time you were tattooed.

Make sure that you keep the tattoo out of sunlight and don't soak it in water.

Wash the tattoo with gentle, non-smelly soap, and apply a thin layer of A&D or another approved tattoo care ointment.

You want to ask your tattooist if he has any tips, as well. Don't take what a friend tells you without a little research behind it. You'd hate to spend the money and sit through the pain for the tattoo to fade or get infected.

For more information, check out,
Tattoo Aftercare

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