Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Heart Tattoo Designs

Heart tattoos are pretty common with women, but they come in a wide range of designs and styles. Heart tattoos are just for women. Men often have more realistic designs versus the cutsey hearts with wings and flowers.

Hearts can be symbols of passion and love. They can represent pain or a time in one's past. Hearts can symbolize a myriad of things in your life, so make your heart tattoo unique to you.

Meaning of Heart Tattos & Heart Tattoo Pictures

Monday, April 14, 2008

Cross Tattoo Designs

There are many reasons why you may consider getting a cross tattoo. There are also many designs and styles for you to choose from.

You may consider a more religious approach, in which you may want to feature Jesus Christ, angels, a purple sash, thorns, or rosary beads.

Or, you may consider a tribal approach with thick black designs, or a celtic approach with woven designs.

In any sense cross tattoos can be as elaborate or simplicistic as you want. Just remember that with any tattoo, it is permanent, so be happy with the design before the needle hits your skin.

For more designs and ideas for cross tattoos, check out:

Cross Tattoo Pictures and Designs

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Lettering Tattoo Designs

Lettering tattoos can be wide and varied. You can get ancient scrips, calligraphy, cursive, block fonts, and more. There's not much to a lettering tattoo, but the fonts really are varied and can be personal if you put a special touch on them.

With the below link you can check out different types of lettering tattoos.

Lettering Tattoo Pictures and Designs

Friday, April 4, 2008

Kanji Tattoo Designs

Kanji tattoos are pretty popular amongst those who are tattooed. They're fairly simple designed tattoos, and can range from different languages. Usually, though, you'll see Kanji symbols in terms of Chinese and oriental characters.

The one big thing that you want to consider when you get a kanji tattoo is that the characters mean what you think they mean. It's recommended that you check with someone who fluently speaks and writes the language of choice.

For more kanji information and free kanji tattoo pictures, check out the below link.

Kanji Tattoo Pictures and Designs

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Dragon Tattoo Designs

Dragon tattoos are far and wide in terms of their design and meaning. Each tattoo is different even if two people pick the same tattoo off of the same flash. Each tattoo artist will put their own swing to the tattoo, with the customers wishes, mind you.

But, for the most part the most common dragon tattoos are chinese dragons and tribal dragons. Oriental dragons are those that are benevolent and represent strength, whereas the western dragon is the malicious, evil bearing dragon.

Different people get dragon tattoos for different reasons.

For more information check out the following link.

Meaning of Dragon Tattoos & Dragon Tattoo Pictures